


All applications hosted by jk64:
  • are built on Oracle Database 18cXE using Oracle Application Express 18.2
  • run on Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) in their secure & reliable data centre in Sydney
  • require no installation, all you need is an internet connection and a browser
  • are supported on most leading browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari
  • are accessible from most devices including desktop computers, tablets and smartphones
  • include a free subdomain (e.g., or you can bring your own
  • include free SSL certificates provided by Let's Encrypt
All design, development, server maintenance, monitoring, backup & recovery is included - no hidden fees or charges. You won't need to employ any additional I.T. or technical staff.
  • 99.4% service availability SLA.
    • This means maximum 4 hours per month unscheduled downtime.
    • Excludes scheduled maintenance.
  • Backups taken weekly, stored at two geographically separated locations.